Falling Film Chiller

Falling Film Chiller Process reliability to produce constant cooling of ice water (0.5°C) near freezing point

Falling Film Chiller or so-called baudelot ice water cooler are mainly designed for cooling water down to 0.5°C near freezing point. What makes the falling-film chiller so interesting is its relatively simple operation. 

Especially Ice water (0.5°) has a very good heat capacity, i.e. by contrast with other cooling agents, relatively small quantities can convey a large amount of heat. The flow-specific and thermodynamic parameters of water are favorable, so that high heat transfer rates can be achieved. Above all, temperatures achievable in the water are made to approach the zero point as closely as possible in order to exploit maximum temperature differences for the products to be chilled with ice water and to keep the temperature of the cooled product as low as possible.

  • No risk of freezing with ice water of 0.5 ° C
  • Water cooling rom water 35°C to 0.5°C in one step
  • Heat transfer coefficient up to 2000 W/m2 K
  • High efficiency, low pressure drop
  • Cleaning during operation possible
  • Simplicity of control, no seals
  • Low tendency to fouling
  • All refrigerants, glycoles, brines possible

Working principle and core advantages of a falling-film chiller

This animation shows the cooling process with warm process water inlet and constant ice water outlet. The following bullet points are worth mentioning in this context :

  • Water cooling down to 0.5°C (near freezing point)
  • No seals, easy to clean, even cleaning duing operation possible
  • Made of stainless steel 

Why a Water Chiller?

Furthermore water near freezing point at 0.5°Cis an important part in food refrigeration, to ensure the fastest possible cooling of the product due to the best possible product quality. The open, non-pressurized water side of this Falling Film Chiller or baudelot ice water cooler allows inspections and cleaning of dirt without disassembly in a few minutes. There are no additional costs for planning, piping, mounting of the valves and eletric wiring, as well as setting and programming of controllers, like known with Plate-Heat-Exchangers. No gaskets.

Most noteworthy Ice water at 0.5°C can cool large produce in very short period of time. Similarly blanching, cooling and washing processes are mainly focussed as well as mixing processes with any requirement of low temperatures while or right after mixing processes. There are various detailed sanitary adjustments for the standard Falling Film Chiller due to different process requirements in use. But the appropriate adaptation can be just as good, as the information, given by the customer, concerning the application on site.

Industrial Applications for Industrial Water Chillers

What’s the Process?

In the Falling Film Chiller or baudelot industrial water chiller the homogeneous falling film allows to chill water down to 0,5 °C. Within industrial processes it can function as pre-chiller for industrial ice bank systems or is connected to the ice water side of a Plate Heat Exchanger. Or will be pumped directly to various food cooling processes. From the water collecting tank under the Falling Film Chiller pumps to bring the chilled water to the desired consumption locations.

Animation for understanding the structure and the process of hydrocooling

This animation shows the construction of a stainless steel hydrocooler, as well as the sequence of a cooling process. In particular for the following applications:

  • Fruits or vegetables
  • Meat or fish
  • Ready-made meals or sauces

What are Industrial Water Chillers?

  • Industrial water chiller for capacities from 10 kW to 10,000 kW
  • Evaporator for all primary refrigerants (NH3, freons like R449A,R448A,R407C,R407F,R410A or CO2) and operating modes. As well as secondary refrigerants (Any type of Glycol) or for brine operation
  • All stainless steel materials, from AISI304 up to titanium, 254-SMO, Duplex etc.
    This stainless steel execution gives assurance that the chilled water is always and only in contact with stainless steeel parts and can be used directly for the use required
  • Plug-in units up to 100 kW, or for on-site refrigeration systems

Which industrial applications need a chiller?

  • Industrial water chiller for water cooling down to 0.5°C.
  • Fastest cooling chiller of food close to freezing by high efficiency
  • No risk of freezing damage to food used in fresh produce, meat, fish, seafood etc.
  • Falling Film Chiller are preferred in application of high capacities with limited ground space
  • Falling Film Chiller plates chill liquids to almost refrigerant temperature
  • Ideal for cooling down milk on farms, dairy cooling and dairy products like yoghurt and cheese cooling. As well as for beer, bread dough, pastafish, seafood, fruit and vegetables as well as for food and beverages in general
  • "White Water" chiller for the cooling of vacuum pumps in the pulp and paper industry
  • Waste water chiller from sewage treatment in laundries and public swimming pools
  • Waste water chiller from process and chemical industry plants
  • Cooling water chiller for the chemical and process industry
  • Sea and river water chiller in heat recovery plants or heat pumps.
  • CO2 evaporation in breweries and soft drink producers

Process water chiller with discontinuous inlet water flow

If water with discontinuous or changing flow rate temperatures is to be cooled, there is a split-tank-design, which allows continuous operation of the evaporator, what is aspired for any refrigeration machine. The water reservoir with flow path is individually designed according to the flow profile and the water temperatures. This Falling Film Chiller or baudelot ice water cooler is designed to be robust to unexpected fluctuations in operation. Due to the exclusive processing of stainless steel, we meet all the requirements for a food-grade design of an Ice Water Falling Film Chiller.

Falling Film Chiller construction and dimensions example

Typical dimensions without tank
L (m) / B (m) / H (m)

Compact system: 1.2 / 0.5 / 1.8
System type A: 2.0 / 2.1 / 2.0
System type B: 3.8 / 2.5 / 2.0

1900 kW baudelot ice water cooler NH3 pumped mode without water collection tank
1900 kW baudelot ice water cooler NH3 pumped mode without water collection tank
100 kW baudelot ice water cooler R404a dx mode with water collection tank
100 kW baudelot ice water cooler R404a dx mode with water collection tank

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